Wednesday, December 9, 2015

New Sparkling Holiday Splurgery for Mistress

Happy Holidays Devoted Bitches.. Hopes you have a wonderful holiday season,,
Making Mine Sparkle with lots of gifts and servitude :) Lots of New Pix & Videos being released to those whom deserve to view.. you can email me for that honor..
just beginning to also release some of my holiday classics you all love! I know you can't wait to see what those are.. been holding some back... You can also follow me on twitter for more current daily/hourly updates on what I'm up too as well... I am currently seeking to replace 4 positions withing my stable.. I dismissed a few slackers.. slacking will not be tolerated ever!
Today I will be on skype doing double Domina webcam and solo sessions.. Don't miss out...

I do enjoy a good holiday draining... mmmm