Sunday, May 24, 2009


Omg it's so hot outside. I have dove in pool couple different times trying to cool off.. Im so glad they took that disclaimer off my site as soon as they realized I wasnt a ROBOT LOL.

Nice little toe slave sent me a tribute earlier, such a good boi.. and my sweet michelle sent me a gift certificate. trying to decide what I want from the place its for.. maybe some new panties or a cute bathing suit wrap for the pool party im going to on 30th.

I had some issues with my new neighbors today, they fought all night I heard em yelling at 4 am, well at 11 am i get a knock on my door asking me to let my dog inside cuz they couldnt sleep, i said well if you didnt agrue all night maybe you could get some sleep. and slammed my door shut, so then i blasted slayer and pantera for hours loud as my stereo would go lol.... yes i know im a bitch... they better check themselves. i bet they last a month before they move.. if they are lucky.

met with my trampling tard earlier and walked all over him early today. took out my being annoyed by the neighbors out on him, he loved it lol... i bet he's sore but happy..

someone needs to get to amusing me online now since its looking like its gonna storm.

get to calling me

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